Collaborative AGV Swarm for Smart Factory Operations
Skills: Nav2, ROS2, AGV Swarm, Task Scheduling
Developed a Collaborative AGV Swarm controlled by a centralised task scheduler to execute product orders in a smart factory setting - Robocup 2024
Skills: Nav2, ROS2, AGV Swarm, Task Scheduling
Developed a Collaborative AGV Swarm controlled by a centralised task scheduler to execute product orders in a smart factory setting - Robocup 2024
Skills: Aerial vehicles, mobile robots, ROS, C++
Developed an aerial ground robotic system consisting of a drone and a mobile robot for autonomous navigation in challenging terrain
Skills: Quadruped Locomotion, ROS, Reinforcement Learning
Built an RL algorithm to learn quadrupedal locomotion in simulation with priviliged sensor data and used the learnt policy to train a physical quadrupedal robot to walk with only proprioceptive measurements
Skills: Kinematics, Dynamics, Arduino
Developed an open source kinematics library for Arduino based microcontrollers featuring transformation matrix manipulation, Jacobian computation and forward and inverse kinematics using Newton Raphson method
Skills: Mobile Robot Kinematics, Bezier Interpolation, Arduino
Designed a trajectory following controller which tracks waypoints and global yaw and tested the pipeline on a scratch-built differential drive robot
Skills: Reinforcement Learning, Pytorch, Python
Developed a toolbox with highly optimized implementations of deep reinforcement learning algorithms for robotics using Pytorch and Python3
Skills: Fusion360, Digital Fabrication, Calculus of Variations, Arduino
Developed an apparatus to visually demonstrate the phenomena of fastest descent which can be used in physics or math classes for younger students
Skills: Algorithms, PyQt5, Arduino
Designed and built a Rubik's Cube Solver featuring the God's algorithm solution, vision based color detection and 4 independent arms consisting of 2 actuators each to manipulate the cube.
Skills: Fusion360, Digital Fabrication, Woodworking, Arduino
Designed and built an air hockey table from scratch using CAD and CAM tools at a low cost. This design features an Arduino based point tracking system and RGB lights
Skills: Fusion360, Digital Fabrication
Designed and built a structurally stable longboard deck using cardboard and no adhesives. The design consists of an iso-grid built with cardboard pieces that were lasercut
Skills: PID Control, Waypoint Tracking, GPS, Arduino
Developed a waypoint tracking controller for an autonomous surface vehicle and tested the pipeline on a scratch-built catamaran style boat
Skills: Object Oriented Programming, Numerical Differentiation
Developed a toolkit from scratch for building and training deep learning models. The results are comparable to widely used machine learning toolkits like Pytorch
Skills: IOT, Sensors, Firebase
Built an IOT powered garden that can monitor the health of the plants, transmit realtime data over the cloud and automatically water the plants when required
Skills: Python, Algorithms
Developed a visualization for binary search trees using tkinter and python. Features include adding nodes, deleting nodes and balancing the tree
Skills: Python, Algorithms
Developed a visulation for sorting algorithms using tkinter and python. The visualization contains algorithms such as Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort
Skills: Image Processing, Spectroscopy
Built a low cost spectrometer out of household materials and used a webcam to capture the sensor data. The data was processed through image processing techniques to study the electromagnetic spectra of the oncoming light
Skills: Internet of Things, Arduino
Developed a system for monitoring garbage levels in garbage bins and determining the most efficient path for the garbage collection truck
I'm Kousheek, and I am currently pursuring my MSc in Robotics and Transport at Ecole Centrale de Lille and Polytech Lille, France. I recently graduated from Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education with a Dual Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. I am keenly interested in robotics and autonomous systems and their various use cases in real world applications. More recently, I have developed an interest for legged locomotion, reinforcement learning in the context of robotics and developing unmanned aerial vehicles. Apart from robotics, I enjoy reading, travelling and playing table tennis.
I am currently working at a start up called Telekinesis in Darmstadt, Germany, where I have helped develop the backend for the real time control of industrial manipulator arms and I have designed and prototyped a hand-mounted device to track the orientation of the operator’s hand.
You can contact me by email at or send me a message on LinkedIn.