Hi, I'm Kousheek Chakraborty
Roboticist | Machine Learning Engineer

My Projects

Collaborative AGV Swarm for Smart Factory Operations

Skills: Nav2, ROS2, AGV Swarm, Task Scheduling

Developed a Collaborative AGV Swarm controlled by a centralised task scheduler to execute product orders in a smart factory setting - Robocup 2024

Aerial Ground Collaboration for Autonomous Navigation

Skills: Aerial vehicles, mobile robots, ROS, C++

Developed an aerial ground robotic system consisting of a drone and a mobile robot for autonomous navigation in challenging terrain

Learning Quadrupedal Locomotion through Transfer Learning

Skills: Quadruped Locomotion, ROS, Reinforcement Learning

Built an RL algorithm to learn quadrupedal locomotion in simulation with priviliged sensor data and used the learnt policy to train a physical quadrupedal robot to walk with only proprioceptive measurements

Open Source Kinematics Library for Arduino-based Microncontrollers

Skills: Kinematics, Dynamics, Arduino

Developed an open source kinematics library for Arduino based microcontrollers featuring transformation matrix manipulation, Jacobian computation and forward and inverse kinematics using Newton Raphson method

Trajectory Following Controller using Bezier Curves for a Differential Drive Robot

Skills: Mobile Robot Kinematics, Bezier Interpolation, Arduino

Designed a trajectory following controller which tracks waypoints and global yaw and tested the pipeline on a scratch-built differential drive robot

Reinforcement Learning Toolbox for Robotics

Skills: Reinforcement Learning, Pytorch, Python

Developed a toolbox with highly optimized implementations of deep reinforcement learning algorithms for robotics using Pytorch and Python3

Brachistochrone Curve

Skills: Fusion360, Digital Fabrication, Calculus of Variations, Arduino

Developed an apparatus to visually demonstrate the phenomena of fastest descent which can be used in physics or math classes for younger students

Rubik's Cube Solver

Skills: Algorithms, PyQt5, Arduino

Designed and built a Rubik's Cube Solver featuring the God's algorithm solution, vision based color detection and 4 independent arms consisting of 2 actuators each to manipulate the cube.

DIY Low Cost Air Hockey Table

Skills: Fusion360, Digital Fabrication, Woodworking, Arduino

Designed and built an air hockey table from scratch using CAD and CAM tools at a low cost. This design features an Arduino based point tracking system and RGB lights

Quarter Iso-grid Cardboard Longboard

Skills: Fusion360, Digital Fabrication

Designed and built a structurally stable longboard deck using cardboard and no adhesives. The design consists of an iso-grid built with cardboard pieces that were lasercut

Long Range Autonomous Surface Vehicle

Skills: PID Control, Waypoint Tracking, GPS, Arduino

Developed a waypoint tracking controller for an autonomous surface vehicle and tested the pipeline on a scratch-built catamaran style boat

Deep Learning Toolkit using Numerical Differentiation

Skills: Object Oriented Programming, Numerical Differentiation

Developed a toolkit from scratch for building and training deep learning models. The results are comparable to widely used machine learning toolkits like Pytorch

Raspberry Pi Powered IOT Garden

Skills: IOT, Sensors, Firebase

Built an IOT powered garden that can monitor the health of the plants, transmit realtime data over the cloud and automatically water the plants when required

Interactive Visual Binary Search Tree

Skills: Python, Algorithms

Developed a visualization for binary search trees using tkinter and python. Features include adding nodes, deleting nodes and balancing the tree

Interactive Visual Sorting Algorithms

Skills: Python, Algorithms

Developed a visulation for sorting algorithms using tkinter and python. The visualization contains algorithms such as Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort

DIY Low Cost Spectrometer

Skills: Image Processing, Spectroscopy

Built a low cost spectrometer out of household materials and used a webcam to capture the sensor data. The data was processed through image processing techniques to study the electromagnetic spectra of the oncoming light

Smart Garbage Monitoring System for Urban Environments

Skills: Internet of Things, Arduino

Developed a system for monitoring garbage levels in garbage bins and determining the most efficient path for the garbage collection truck

About me

Hi! Here's a little about me.

I'm Kousheek, and I am currently pursuring my MSc in Robotics and Transport at Ecole Centrale de Lille and Polytech Lille, France. I recently graduated from Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education with a Dual Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. I am keenly interested in robotics and autonomous systems and their various use cases in real world applications. More recently, I have developed an interest for legged locomotion, reinforcement learning in the context of robotics and developing unmanned aerial vehicles. Apart from robotics, I enjoy reading, travelling and playing table tennis.

I am currently working at a start up called Telekinesis in Darmstadt, Germany, where I have helped develop the backend for the real time control of industrial manipulator arms and I have designed and prototyped a hand-mounted device to track the orientation of the operator’s hand.


You can contact me by email at kousheekc@gmail.com or send me a message on LinkedIn.